Superfoods in Rainy Season
While monsoon has its own charm and provides the much-needed relief from the scorching heat, it is also a season that brings along different diseases. Due to decreased immunity, we are prone tocold, flu and similar infections. It is important that we eat healthy, home cooked food. Here are some superfoods to include in our diet to maintain a better health and improve our immunity during monsoon :
1. Green Peppercorns : Green Peppercorns have a significant amount of Vitamin C and K which are antioxidants that can help prevent by deactivating free radicals. Green Peppercorns can reduce gas by stimulating the production of Hydrochloric Acid, which improves food digestion. It also has antimicrobial properties, which helps by killing the bacteria present in the food before it reaches the intestinal tract.
2. Fruits : Seasonal fruits like peaches, plums, cherries, jamun, pomegranate are packed with Vitamin A and C, Fibre, and Antioxidants. Opt for fresh cut fruits and juices made at home instead of precut available in the market.
3. Fluids : Include plenty of warm fluids like soup, masala tea, green tea, broth, dal, soups, etc. as they are good for rehydration and great for the immune system.Coconut water is a good source of electrolytes that help the body to flush out toxins. It is also rich in immunity boosting properties.
4. Vegetables : Vegetables of thegourd family, like snake gourd, bottle gourd, Indian squash, ridge gourd, etc are available in plenty in rainy season. Include gourd vegetables in various preparations like vegetables, paratha, soup, raita, etc. They are a rich source of various vitamins, dietary fibre and antioxidants. Eat properly washed and cooked vegetables and avoid raw vegetables. Green leafy vegetables are avoided in rainy season as the dampness on the leaves makes them a favourable breeding ground for microbes which can cause food poisoning.
5. Probiotics : Probiotics are “good” bacteria. These are livemicroorganisms that help boost the growth of good bacteria in the gut, that helps fight the bad bacteria or the disease-causing bacteria from the gut and help boost immunity.They are found in foods like curd, buttermilk, kefir or pickled vegetables.
6. Proteins : They help increase immunity and fasten recovery from illness. Milk and milk products, pulses like moong, dals, lentils, chole, rajma, soya, egg, and chicken are good sources of healthy proteins.
7. Ginger and Garlic : Ginger and Garlic helps fight chills and fever, eliminate congestion. They haveanti-viral, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, and antioxidant effects. Thankfully, both these ingredients are primarily used in Indian cooking. Ginger juice helps to reduce throat irritation. One can add little honey to it to improve taste and its health benefits.
8. Fenugreek seeds / Methi : Fenugreek is an energy booster,containing all the necessary minerals needed to take care of our body, even during fever and digestive disorders.
9. Turmeric : Turmeric has curcumin, that has antioxidant and antimicrobial effect. It prevents gastric ulcers, improves immune response, and antimalarial activity among other protective and preventive functions. Indian food traditionally has turmeric in the food preparation, but ateaspoon of turmeric as turmeric milk, turmeric with honey or in hot water would be a good add on for children and elderly members of the family especially during monsoon.
10. Omega 3 Fatty Acids : Omega 3 Fatty Acids are a family of important polyunsaturated fats that are provide health benefits like increasing immunity and reducing inflammation. Omega 3 Fatty Acids are present in food sources like fish, shrimps, oysters, nuts, and oil seeds like Walnuts, Pistachio, Chia seeds, Flax seeds, etc. which could easily be incorporated into one's diet.
References :
- https://indianexpress.com/article/lifestyle/food-wine/ten-foods-to-consume-in-the-monsoon-season-to-stay-healthy-7420581/
- https://krishijagran.com/health-lifestyle/top-5-monsoon-superfoods-that-increase-your-immunity/
- https://www.boldsky.com/health/wellness/healthy-vegetables-to-eat-during-monsoon/articlecontent-pf220438-133738.html
- https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/8-health-benefits-of-probiotics#TOC_TITLE_HDR_2
- https://www.healthshots.com/healthy-eating/nutrition/monsoon-diet-consume-these-5-immunity-boosting-nutrients/